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10 King of Glory

歌手: Chris Tomlin 专辑:Arriving 录入:一道江河(发送信息) 2013-08-05 点击:



Lift up your gaze
Be lifted up
Tell everyone
How great the love
The love come down
From heaven's gate
To kiss the earth
With hope and grace


Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty

Lift up your hands
Be lifted up
Let the redeemed
Declare the love
We bow down
At heaven's gate
To kiss the feet
Of hope and grace

There is one God
He is Holy
There is one Lord
Over everything
There is one King
He is Jesus
King of glory
Strong and mighty

You are the King of Glory
The Lord, strong and mighty

上一篇:08-Let It Rain    下一篇:14盼望已久的天堂
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