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12 We Will See Him

歌手: Hillsong 专辑:Faith Hope Love 录入:一道江河(发送信息) 2013-08-05 点击:



Verse 1:
I will lift my eyes only to God alone
I will set my heart trust in the Holy One
I will live in faith knowing His Word is sure
Shout loud to Earth the harvest is here and now

Great is our God in all the Earth

We will see Him
Coming on the clouds of Heaven exalted
We will see Him
High and lifted up he reigns
In majesty in holiness
Almighty One

Verse 2:
I will live in hope that Jesus is coming soon
Every nation sing glory to Christ our King
We’ll see the glory of His Word
All of His promises revealed

See his glory shine forever
In light of all
Hallelujah lift Him higher
For our God reigns

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