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This Is Like Heaven To Me

歌手: Bill & Gloria Gaither 专辑:Rivers Of Joy 录入:一道江河(发送信息) 2017-10-27 点击:



We find many people who can’t understand
Why we are so happy and free:
We’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.

Oh, this is like Heaven to me,
Yes, this is like Heaven to me;
I’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.

So when we are happy we sing and we shout;
Some don’t understand us, I see;
We’re filled with the Spirit, there isn’t a doubt,
And this is like Heaven to me.

We’ve heard the sweet music, the heavenly chord,
From glory land over the sea;
A soul-thrilling message from Jesus, our Lord,
And this is like Heaven to me.

We’re looking for Jesus with glory to come—
’Tis Jesus Who died on the tree;
A cloud of bright angels to carry me home—
Oh, that will be Heaven to me.

Oh, that will be Heaven to me,
Yes, that will be Heaven to me;
A cloud of bright angels to carry me home—
Yes, that will be Heaven to me.
上一篇:Dwelling In Beulah Land    下一篇:I Came To Praise The Lord
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