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Praise the Lord

歌手: 以色列 专辑:Every Tribe 录入:一道江河(发送信息) 2017-09-28 点击:



Every tribe and every tongue
Soon your eyes will see His kingdom come
So, gather 'round in one accord
Lift your hands up, and let's praise the Lord

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Let's just praise the Lord!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Come on, praise the Lord!

From the walls of Jerusalem
To the winding hills of Tennessee
With one voice let's worship Him
The God of all and Zion's King of King's

Every tribe! Praise Him!
Every tongue! Praise Him!
Lift your hands! Hallelujah!
上一篇:You Are Holy (As for Me and My House)    下一篇:Shalom
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