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Baruch Adonai

歌手: 以色列 专辑:The Road To Jerusalem 录入:一道江河(发送信息) 2016-03-18 点击:



Verse one
Baruch Adonai, Elohey Yisrael
Adonai, Blessed is the Lord
Baruch Adonai, Elohey Yisrael
Adonai, Blessed is the Lord

Verse two
Min ha-olam, V’ad ha-olam
Praise His name, forever and again
Min ha-olam, V’ad ha-olam
Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel

So let the nations sing and praise Him
And Israel will say Amen!
Sing all you nations Hallelujah
And Israel will say Amen

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